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15 Years!

陳明慧護理師 美華慈心關懷聨盟創辦人
Sandy Chen Stokes, RN, MSN, CACCC Founder

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15年前,幾位志同道合的朋友和同事,決定成立美華慈心關懷聯盟,以改變華人對談論死亡的禁忌。我們的首要目標就是宣導事前療護計畫, 讓在美華人在還還有表達能力的時候,先溝通並寫下自己對於生命末期的治療意願,避免親友們不必要的猜測、爭論和遺憾。我們和醫療夥伴們在東西兩岸做了安寧緩和療護志工的培訓。各種生命教育資訊、安心卡和安心茶話屋也幫助了全美和亞洲國家的華人。 在這新冠肺炎疫情期間,所有的訓練及聚會活動都是線上舉行,這也使得來自各地的志工,病人及家屬能一起參加這些訓練及活動。我們比過去更加忙碌,因為更多的華人需要了解生命末期醫療意願,並指定一位醫療代理人,在我們無法表達意願的時候,為我們代言,並完成填寫「醫療照護事前指示」表格。

這一次的15週年募款年會,除了年會籌備小組,我們要感謝幾位貴賓講師,潘欣心醫師,羅隽醫師, 李國良醫師,Roy Remer和雷叔雲老師帶來最專業的教育。我尤其要感謝董事會共同主席,陳明芳和曹知行博士,以及美華慈心的主任楊秀慧,因為他們的無私奉獻和專業付出,我能夠在今年退下所有的行政工作,和教育專案小組夥伴們專注於生命末期相關的教育課綱和活動製作。

感謝15年來允許我們陪伴他們走完生命旅程的所有病人和他們的家人。感謝所有無私奉獻的志工、董事及醫療單位夥伴們,陪著美華走過了歡笑與淚水。挑戰與感恩交織,美好的15年。誠如美國的幽默專欄作家Erma Bombeck 所說:「志工服務是這個世界上唯一最能代表慈心的照顧及耐心陪伴,僅出於對他人的無私大愛。」謹以此獻給所有我最敬愛的美華夥伴們。

15 years ago, we began to gradually remove barriers to an old cultural taboo regarding not talking about death and dying and helping our community prepare for the inevitable - so that families could avoid much of the trauma and regret that could accompany our own death or the death of a loved one.

We did that by educating our community about the importance of advance care planning. CACCC’s healthcare partners helped train our volunteers and in turn we were able to replicate this work and train others, so we could help more people in the Chinese community and CACCC educated the healthcare professionals who served them. Our coalition model has brought us angels from the Chinese community and so many partner organizations throughout the United States, Taiwan, and China.

I am especially pleased with the success of CACCC’s Heart to Heart® Cafés and the Heart to Heart® cards, which are now being used in Chinese communities, hospitals, and hospices worldwide to make it possible for Chinese people facing the end of life to die with dignity and respect.

During the pandemic, all our education and training activities are conducted virtually. Going virtual has expanded our community outreach: new volunteers and community members are joining CACCC from all over the world. We are busier than ever during these times of uncertainty that we are focused on ACP. Many are taking this opportunity to complete an advance health care directive so loved ones and health providers will clearly know what they want and do not want when the time comes, as well as designate the best person to speak for them when they are unable to speak for themselves.

My deepest appreciation to our event committee members and special thanks to Dr. Cynthia Pan, Dr. Esther Luo, Dr. Gary Lee, Roy Remer, and Teresa Cheng for their expertise that makes our virtual events so worthwhile.

There are not enough words to thank CACCC Board Co-Chairs Cindy Wang and Alex Tsao, and our Director, Shirley Pan, whose leadership and contributions have made it possible for me to retire from operational duties to concentrate on end of life education.

And there is a special place in my heart for all those volunteers, partner organizations, sponsors and donors who have been with us for most of these 15 years. You were with us through the good times and the challenging times. As Erma Bombeck said, “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”
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